Medical Qigong Therapist Trainings: Overview

Schedule for the IIMQ Medical Qigong Therapist Training Series in Vancouver, BC in 2017-18:

(T8: June 24 - 28, 2017, Clinic June 9 - 11))

  • MQT 5: Sept. 6 - 10, 2017
  • MQT 7: March 7 - 11, 2018

    Clinic: June 15 - 17, 2017

This very exciting 500 hour program leads to Medical Qigong Therapist certification from the International Institute of Medical Qigong. Students broaden and deepen their knowledge and understanding of Medical Qigong through advanced exercises, meditation and healing techniques. These seminars bring the participants to a new level of self-mastery as they exponentially increase their skill and ability as Medical Qigong healing practitioners.

An Empty Mountain Certificate is awarded upon seminar completion. Find out more about the IIMQ certification requirements here.

Prerequisite: The prerequisite for the Medical Qigong Therapist (MQT) program is having attended the Medical Qigong Practitioner training.

  • 500 hr Therapist Program
  • Leads to the Masters and Program
  • Four x 5 day seminars plus 3 day clinic
  • $3,575 Tuition with payment plans available

We will utilize Chinese Medical Qigong Therapy volumes 1-5, by Dr. Jerry Alan Johnson Ph.D., D.T.C.M., D.M.Q. (China), founder of the International Institute of Medical Qigong. Texts available in the online store or by contacting us.

MQT Training: Detailed Course Descriptions

Seminar 5T: Perceptual Diagnosis

This fifth seminar is designed to introduce students to the use of various sensory, intuitive, and perceptual skills used in the Medical Qigong clinic for the diagnosis and treatment of patients.

Course content will include:

  • Including applications of intuitive and perceptual Qi diagnosis
  • Diagnosis based on flat palm detection (hand sensing)
  • Diagnosis based on kinesthetic and empathic Qi absorption
  • Hand diagnosis based on body association
  • Diagnosis by observing aura fields
  • Diagnosis based on intention
  • Long distance Medical Qigong Therapy
  • Faith projection
  • Negative thought projections and Medical Qigong Therapy
  • Auxiliary Medical Qigong healing modalities

Objectives: Students will have an exposure to a variety of diagnosis methodologies and auxiliary Medical Qigong healing modalities.

Seminar 6T: Dao Yin and Qi Deviations

This sixth seminar is designed to introduce students to the study of proper Dao Yin training and rectifying qi deviations

Course content will include:

  • The study of the internal principles and Medical Qigong functions of:
    • postural Dao Yin training
    • respiratory Dao Yin training
    • mental Dao Yin training
  • Rectifying qi deviations occurring from improper qigong training
  • Dealing with psychic attacks using mantras for protection
  • Encounters with ghosts & spirit entities
  • Treating demon & spirit oppression & possession

Objective: After completing this course, students will have a deeper comprehension of the body's energetic relationship to the physical structure and mental and emotional disorders and deviations of the psyche.

Seminar 7T: Medical Qigong Therapy for Pediatrics, Geriatrics, Gynecology, Neurology, and Psychology

This seventh is designed to introduce specialized clinical treatments in these areas.

Course content will include:

  • Early stages of child growth and development
  • Prescriptions for children
  • Prescriptions for senility
  • Etiology and pathology of gynecological diseases
  • Menstrual complications
  • Treatment protocols for menopause
  • Stroke (Wind-Stroke)
  • Coma
  • Facial paralysis (Bells Palsy)
  • Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
  • Self treatment prescriptions for psycho-emotional disorders
  • Treating emotional anxieties, phobias, and addictions
  • Treating phobias and depression using the “Windows of the Sky" points

Objective: Students will have an exposure to specialized clinical treatments of physical illness and the management of the patient's emotional, mental and spiritual states.

Seminar 8T: Introduction to Treatment of Cancer with Medical Qigong Therapy (I)

This eighth seminar introduces students to the study of the treatment of various types of cancers and tumor formations.

Course content will include:

  • Etiology and pathology of cyst, tumor and cancer formation
  • The multifaceted causes of cyst, tumor and cancer formations
  • Categorization of cysts and tumors according to Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • Medical Qigong approach to cancer prescriptions
  • Emission Therapy for the treatment of brain tumors, breast cysts tumors and cancer, uterine tumors and cancer, cervical cancer, ovarian cysts, prostate cancer, lung cancer, and colon and rectal cancer

Objective: Students will have an exposure to specialized clinical treatments of cancer and the management of the patient's emotional, mental and spiritual states surrounding the disease.

At the Master of Medical Qigong training level, the study of the treatment of various types of cancers and tumor formations will be explored further. 

Clinical Internship

Students will have an opportunity to practice advanced theories and clinical modalities of internal organ treatment, as well as the Medical Qigong exercises and meditations, in an intensive three-day clinic practicum.  All level of students participate together and the more experienced Masters students share their wisdom with the Therapist and Practitioner levels. 

Stillness and action are relative, not absolute, principles. It is important to find a balance of yin and yang, not just in qigong, but in everyday life. In movement, seek stillness and rest. In rest, be mindful and attentive. ~Ken Cohen